A chance for you to speak openly

Counselling is confidential. The counsellor will not tell anyone what you talk about in your sessions, apart from some exceptions that may be required by counselling professional bodies. We will be talking about the exceptions in the ‘Getting to Know’ session.

Helping you to live with your condition

There may be a variety of feelings coming up for you after your diagnosis. In counselling we look at processing your initial feelings working at the speed that is comfortable for you. We will look at how you can live with the condition and your plans for the future.

Possible help with depression

Depression in older people is often considered a normal part of ageing, however this is a myth. Counselling can help improve your enjoyment of life.

Helping you adjust to your condition

After getting a diagnosis you may struggle to take in what you heard and receiving additional information can be difficult to digest. During counselling we take all the time you need to look into the different aspects that are affecting you which may help you in dealing more easily with the possible changes in your life.

Talking to a therapist rather than family

It can sometimes be easier to talk to a ‘stranger’ than to family or friends. Your counsellor is focussing on what you say and your need to be heard.

Helping to reduce anxiety

Anxiety can be mild or severe, and often originates from worry or fear. Getting a diagnosis can trigger anxiety which is perfectly normal, as uncertain times lie ahead. We will help you articulate your worries and fears about the future as a starting point to coping better.