Carer coaching is a structured programme designed for carers of people with dementia. It is tailored to your specific needs and concerns and will provide practical advice and tips to help you maintain your personal well-being whilst caring effectively for your loved one.

Autumn path through forest

A person with dementia will be affected by how their carer approaches them. This will affect how the person feels and behaves, both in a positive and negative way.

If you as a carer are stressed or become short-tempered this will have a serious effect on the person with dementia you look after. They may get more anxious or depressed or may even start behaving in a more challenging way, which may make you as a carer feel guilty or upset. This is a common occurrence and our coaching service can help you to address this.

A personalised approach

In Carer Coaching we will be looking together at your day to day life, both looking after the person with dementia and the part which is yours.

We will help you identify what causes you stress and work out together how to address whatever is going on for you.

In the first session we will find out your specific circumstances and tailor the programme around them, so you will be able to get the most out of the programme.

A qualified counsellor with dementia experience

The programme is delivered by a trained professional, a counsellor, educated to diploma level, with years of experience communicating with carers who look after people with dementia.

How we deliver sessions

We offer in-person, Zoom or telephone sessions (or a blend of these).

See In-Person Counselling and Online Counselling for details for details.

Book a "Get-to-Know" session

To book a "Get-to-Know" session (via Zoom or telephone), please use the Contact form on this website.

The eight-week programme

The eight week programme will look at various aspects of your caring role, and the structured approach will make sure that we look at common areas of concern that carers experience.

If you find it difficult to find the time to come to sessions in person due to your carer responsibilities, we can set them up online or via telephone.

Your questions

Carer coaching is a unique and special programme for those looking after someone with dementia, and you will have many questions. We will address all your questions in the "Get-to-Know" session when we determine if counselling or coaching will initially be more supportive for you.